Dr. Binzel Total Nutrition Program Part 1

  • How nitrilosides are metabolized

  • Why wild animals rarely ever get cancer until captivity in a zoo!

  • How cyanide can be an important biochemical and detox metabolite

  • How the information about nitrilosides has been so effectively inverted to scare both individuals and doctors away from using these effective natural remedies

  • Which enzymes are so vitally important for B vitamin metabolism including the metabolic breakdown of nitrilosides and why this balance is so important in the prevention of cancer.

Nitrilosides The Forbidden Treatment Revealed Part 1 is available now!

Sign up now with your email and you'll get part 1 now and the others right away when they are completed, all for free!
Get them now while you can because we could get shut down for revealing this long lost historical information which we are sharing under the fair use doctrine.


Today we have a story of a great small town medical doctor. Because I’ll be discussing a bunch of medical history here’s the disclaimer: I am not a health professional of any kind and make no medical claims, I’m just a researcher probably like you and enjoy taking responsibility for my own self healing and like to make videos about what I learn. Please do your own research and consider working with a professional. Again, I’m not a medical doctor and don’t give any medical advice. None of my statements regarding products, protocols or ideas are intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you have a medical condition I advise you to consult a professional for advice.

Dr Philip E Binzel Jr was a small town Medical Doctor from Washington Court House Ohio who upon first discovering the nutritional and enzyme protocols that include laetrile / b17 approached it from a rather skeptical point of view.

He was introduced to it with the film produced by G Edward Griffin “World Without Cancer” in 1973 at a local screening. Having known Mr Griffin personally for a few years prior

Upon seeing this incredible story in the fifty minute film he believed that it was medically inaccurate but he had known Griffin personally for a few years and was also familiar with the integrity of his research from other previously published work on government corruption and cartels.

He contacted a pharmacist friend and asked if B17 had any merit and his colleague said he had done a rather deep study on it and believed it to have merit. This man suggested he contact “The Committee for Freedom of Choice” in California, a group fighting for freedom of medical decisions including nutritional laetrile / B17 access.

They sent him a large package of information which is much like the reports I share freely at ForbiddenTreatment.com which included historical reports from Ernst T. Krebs Jr and other pioneer doctors in the field at that time.

One significant note which he emphasized in his book is that he didn’t consider a tumor a disease but rather a symptom of a systemic disease which we call cancer. He saw the standard of care for cancer, the cut, poison, burn methods of attacking tumors as rather short-sighted. This he considered treating a symptom and not actually treating the disease and the root of why standard oncology has such abysmal results in terms of increasing the quantity of life as well as improving the quality of life.

On the other hand he found both of these vastly improved when exploring the effects of the nutritional and enzyme approaches to cancer.

While I was preparing for this video I got a call from a good buddy of mine who informed me of some bad news about a mutual friend who I’ll call Fishman to keep his anonymity. Fishman was informed that his prostate inflammation was in fact cancerous and had already metastasized to his bones in his hip.

I only bring this up to address some very important lifestyle changes that I hope he will make once he sees this video. After all Fishman is a meat and potatoes guy. It’s rare that you’d see a vegetable on his dinner plate.

Why is this a problem?

Well to put it rather simply, in terms of nutrition we essentially have two lines of defense against cancer.

The first line of defense relates to pancreatic function and the synthesis of the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin. In other videos I’ve dug deeper on the way these are activated in the intestines but I’ll keep it simple here and just emphasize that animal foods consume these vital enzymes in the digestive process.

The problem with a meat and potatoes type of diet while fighting off cancer is that these enzymes are needed to fight off cancer. They are well known metabolically, when they are circulating in the blood throughout the body to digest the outer protein layer of a tumor.

If these enzymes are in short supply due to pancreatic insufficiency (which may be more common than we expect) and blood sugar related issues and what we have is consumed by digesting meats and other animal foods our first line of defense is losing the battle.

The second line of defense are the nitrilosides. These are the bitter foods like what I’ve talked about a lot in the apricot seeds which we call amygdalin, laetrile, b17, etc. but they are also found in many other bitter foods such as alfalfa grass, bitter greens and at least 1200 other plants.

As I’ve described in great detail in other videos, when exposed to the enzyme beta-glucosidase which is secreted by cancer cells, the nitriloside compounds break down and only then do they release nascent cyanide gas and benzaldehyde which are a known and very potent combination that kill cancer cells.

This is why Fishman and anyone else like him that might find themselves in this sort of predicament might want to seriously consider at least a 4 month break from their meat and potatoes diet.

Let’s get back to Dr Binzel…

He was an expert witness in many courts over the decades sharing his phenomenal case histories and prevailed in his own cases against the corruption of the FDA, who at the time was attempting to shut down all stateside use of laetrile, pushing these very popular methods South of the border to Mexico.

In his book he also shares his protocol, and while each of the doctors that have used laetrile have slightly different protocols, his is quite comprehensive and worth looking at.

In this video I’m sharing with you his entire program including all the dosage levels and specifics on what he suggested to take and when. This information is so important to get out so I’m grateful to Rumble and all the platforms that let me share this.

HealthHarmonic.com has all the primary products mentioned here but one of them is not shown on the website so you’ll have to contact us personally to discuss it.

I’ve updated his protocol based on more advanced forms of supplements that were not yet available in Dr Binzel’s time in order to try to optimize the concepts and provide the same nutrients in even more bioavailable forms based on my knowledge of over 20 years in the industry.

This is possible now because the nutritional supplement industry has evolved so much in the 30 years since his book was first published, we now have new, high bioavailability encapsulation methods and “whole food” as well as molecular distillation of specific vital natural compounds and extracts that were not available back then.

This updated protocol has just been uploaded to the free members area inside ForbiddenTreatment.com so you can visit now, login and get this as well as all the other reports that I’m adding consistently to the growing dossier on the nutritional and enzyme approaches for controlling cancer.

I do need to remind you this disclaimer: I am not a health professional of any kind and make no medical claims, I’m just a researcher who likes to dig deep on effective methods to keep them from being lost to history. And I like to make videos about what I learn. Please do your own research and consider working with a professional. Again, I’m not a medical doctor and don’t give any medical advice. None of my statements regarding products or ideas are intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you have a medical condition I advise you to consult a professional for advice. And regarding some of these protocols specifically that go beyond oral products, I would also work with a professional and not try to do this on my own.

And if you haven't grabbed my free reports at https://www.forbiddentreatment.com , this is part one here, go check out ForbiddenTreatment.com I've published so far, five reports. Yeah, more are coming. So check it out and get all of the references there and learn all about the history of these nutritional and enzyme approaches to metabolic health. So thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you next time. Also, if you've found this video to be helpful in your quest for health, then go ahead and support me at my store at HealthHarmonic.com. Have lots of different products on there, including the various B17 products and apricot seeds, but also many other frequency instruments and all kinds of cool stuff. So check it out at https://www.healthharmonic.com and I'll see you over there.

Visit: https://www.healthharmonic.com and https://www.forbiddentreatment.com

Could This Be The Missing Link
in Human Nutrition?

Nitrilosides are biochemicals found in nearly all terrestrial plants and were discovered to be essential nutrients for both animal and human nutrition over 50 years ago.

The most common nitriloside is amygdalin which is the compound found in apricot seeds and other stone fruit. The truth is this is just the tip of the iceberg but this is the one the is contained in the controversial laetrile products.

Why has this information been hidden for so long?

The medical cartel has not been able to reproduce the complexity of these biochemicals. As long as we are not iodine deficient and we are getting proper enzymes the natural form of cyanide metabolized from nitrilosides is broken down in the cells but cancer cells are not protected in the same way making these biochemicals selectively cytotoxic.

In this series of long lost historical books, reformatted into accessible PDF reports you'll learn all the details about these biochemicals including:

  • How nitrilosides are metabolized

  • Why wild animals rarely ever get cancer until captivity in a zoo!

  • How cyanide can be an important biochemical and detox metabolite

  • How the information about nitrilosides has been so effectively inverted to scare both individuals and doctors away from using these effective natural remedies

  • Which enzymes are so vitally important for B vitamin metabolism including the metabolic breakdown of nitrilosides and why this balance is so important in the prevention of cancer.

Nitrilosides The Forbidden Treatment Revealed Part 1 is available now!

Sign up now with your email and you'll get part 1 now and the others right away when they are completed, all for free!
Get them now while you can because we could get shut down for revealing this long lost historical information which we are sharing under the fair use doctrine.


The first nitriloside discovered in the seed of the apricot but also common in other stone fruit.

Common Nitrilosides

White clover, alfalfa, millet, and buckwheat are just a few of the grasses with high concentrations of nitriloside compounds but they differ from amygdalin in an important way which you'll read in part one of this series of reports.


The chemical structure of the most well known nitriloside

These Nitriloside Reports Will Change
Your View of Cyanide!

I'm creating a series of reports which I call Nitrilosides The Forbidden Treatment Revealed.

This series includes rare historical books most approximately 50 years old which have been hidden by the medical cartel and been shrouded in misinformation to scare you away from this vital remedy which may be the secret nutritional deficiency that is a primary cause of many cancers.

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